She Lost Her Memory - 15 Years Later, She Remembers Her Long-Lost Son's Name

Heartwarming stories similar the one portrayed in the Oscar-winning motion-picture show Lion aren't simply reserved for Hollywood movies. Rama Devi Chowdhary

Heartwarming stories similar the one portrayed in the Oscar-winning motion picture Lion aren't but reserved for Hollywood movies.

Rama Devi Chowdhary experienced her own storybook reunion story in India when she reunited with her son after xv years apart.

She struggled with mental illness

Chowdhary was living in Kolkata with her married man and 7-year-erstwhile son when she decided to leave for the majuscule, Delhi. According to Hindustan Times, she had "differences" with her hubby and also wanted to pursue her career every bit a criminal lawyer.

Before long, she worked her fashion upward to a job at Republic of india's Supreme Courtroom, but when a approximate learned she had symptoms of schizophrenia, police removed her from her job. Chowdhary was sent to a medical inquiry facility where she was treated for nine months.

A long route to recovery

Chowdhary spent the adjacent two years in a government shelter before joining a home for disenfranchised women run by a non-governmental system called Rahab Eye For Hope. While in that location, she thrived.

"She would go on herself decorated reading and writing," said Eunice Stephen, the NGO'due south founder. "There was tremendous improvement in her condition."

As Chowdhary improved, she couldn't assistance simply think of the son she left in Kolkata. The but trouble was, she didn't know how to discover him. In fact, she didn't even call up his name.

An improbable flashback

Then, one day, information technology hit her all suddenly. She was flooded with memories and remembered her son'south proper name: Mitrajit.

So Chowdhary and Stephen worked together to locate him. One idea was to expect for him on Facebook, but Mitrajit Chowdhary is a popular name in India and a agglomeration of profiles showed up. They messaged all the profiles anyway.

"Hullo, do yous take a relative called Rama Devi Chowdhary? Nosotros have some information near her," the bulletin said.

Amazingly, Chowdhary's son Mitrajit replied:

"I stared at the screen for the initial few seconds… it was finally happening…my female parent had finally reached out, as I always believed she would ane day… Without wasting fourth dimension, I typed 'yes.'"

Mitrajit Chowdhary

Reunited at final

(Photo Credit: Rajesh Kashyap/HT)

After chatting via Messenger and video call, Mitrajit – who is now a 22-year-quondam HR executive living in Visakhapatnam – went to Delhi to meet his mom.

"As I had a closer look, I saw the same childhood face…the only deviation is that a beard covers it now," Chowdhary said.

Mitrajit said the meeting was something he'd always dreamed of. "I was a kid when she left… it was a lot to deal with. All my dad had been able to tell me was that she had gone for her career and that she might render i twenty-four hours."

"I had no idea what happened to my female parent. At that place was no source to trace her. I would sit down past the beach and think about her..about non having a complete family…just something in me always told me that this volition change…she will return one day."

Mitrajit Chowdhary

Now that they're together, Chowdhary has quickly jumped into her office equally a mom.

"She is already acting like a typical mum, stuffing me with food all the time," Mitrajit said.

Patience volition take you far

Stories similar this might be rare, just they're reminders that whatever the state of affairs – whether it'south figuring out what to practice in your career or reuniting with a loved one – sometimes things work out but fine with a little organized religion.

When Chowdhary took to Facebook to find her son, she knew it was a long shot. Just she was determined to go back into contact with him. If you're ever faced with a situation that seems insurmountable, just focus on taking the next footstep and seeing where it takes yous next.

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