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Sher❤ The Fabulous BookLover
5 Redemption Stars🌟

This volume! Fifty-fifty though it's nonfiction information technology read similar a novel and I couldn't put it down. Ramirez had such a hard, troubled life, one which led him deep into the occult of Palo Mayombe and Santeria. Devil worshipping was his thing and he was good at it. He was on a path of destruction and hell until met Jesus Christ.

This is a story or redemption and God'southward healing power, no matter who you are or what your life looks like Jesus is all the same more powerful and He can deliver you from

5 Redemption Stars🌟

This volume! Fifty-fifty though information technology'southward nonfiction it read like a novel and I couldn't put information technology down. Ramirez had such a hard, troubled life, one which led him deep into the occult of Palo Mayombe and Santeria. Devil worshipping was his thing and he was skilful at information technology. He was on a path of destruction and hell until met Jesus Christ.

This is a story or redemption and God'south healing power, no thing who you lot are or what your life looks like Jesus is even so more than powerful and He can deliver you from anything.

I met this author when he but got out of this life. Many people don't believe his story, but it'due south the truth. He isn't making anything up, or embellishing. This is existent and he is authentic. I met this author when he simply got out of this life. Many people don't believe his story, simply it's the truth. He isn't making anything upwardly, or embellishing. This is real and he is authentic. ...more
Dec 08, 2016 rated information technology really liked it
Our God is mighty to deliver!
At that place is no sin to gross that He tin't forgive and no sinner to lost that he can't salve.
I first heard near John Ramirez on Youtube. I heard him narrate his testimony and I decided to dig a little deeper on him. I found ii of his books that I wanted to read; Out of the Devil's Cauldron and Unmasking the Devil.
Out of the Devil'south Cauldron is the story of his exploits in the kingdom of darkness, serving false religions named Santeria, Spiritism and Palo Mayombe and h
Our God is mighty to deliver!
In that location is no sin to gross that He can't forgive and no sinner to lost that he can't salve.
I showtime heard nearly John Ramirez on Youtube. I heard him narrate his testimony and I decided to dig a petty deeper on him. I institute two of his books that I wanted to read; Out of the Devil's Cauldron and Unmasking the Devil.
Out of the Devil's Cauldron is the story of his exploits in the kingdom of darkness, serving false religions named Santeria, Spiritism and Palo Mayombe and how God mercies plant him.
This volume is expert for materialists who believe that what the physical optics tin can see is all there is. There is a real supernatural realm that is more than real than the physical world we alive in and events and activities in that realm affects our lives.
I will take a discussion or two to share when I am washed reading Unmasking the Devil.
...more than
Mario Dávila Zapata
The book is wonderful. It is a book about John Ramirez'south life from a child, into the occult, to serving Jesus. He truly blessed us by opening up and letting united states know but how deep iniquity had entered his centre and how involved he was in the occult(santeria, palo mayombe, spiritualism). The fashion God answered his request by revealing to him who truly holds the ability besides paints a perfect moving picture of the humility and space honey of the Great I AM. It's eye opening to know what the enemy is out ther The book is wonderful. It is a volume about John Ramirez'south life from a child, into the occult, to serving Jesus. He truly blessed u.s. by opening upward and letting united states of america know just how deep iniquity had entered his heart and how involved he was in the occult(santeria, palo mayombe, spiritualism). The way God answered his request by revealing to him who truly holds the ability also paints a perfect flick of the humility and infinite beloved of the Great I AM. It's eye opening to know what the enemy is out there doing but at the same fourth dimension a wonderful love story of grace and mercy. I believe it would make a great moving-picture show. It is very touching. It reminds me of Paul, the Campaigner; the worst of the worst, saved by grace and mercy, radically transformed and never looked back. ...more
Joseph Seong
Jun 29, 2016 rated it really liked it
Out of the Devil'south Cauldron, written by a previous satanic priest, John Ramirez, was a book about the story of the author's experience every bit a satanic wizard, and all the evil deeds that he has done for Satan. This volume was the book that I read for the summertime assignment project #2. I liked this book very much because information technology was tremendously helpful for my Christian faith. My favorite part of this book was when the author ended his life as a satanic priest and sincerely repented his sins to God, despite Out of the Devil'southward Cauldron, written past a previous satanic priest, John Ramirez, was a book about the story of the author's feel every bit a satanic magician, and all the evil deeds that he has done for Satan. This book was the book that I read for the summer consignment project #2. I liked this book very much considering it was tremendously helpful for my Christian faith. My favorite office of this book was when the author concluded his life equally a satanic priest and sincerely repented his sins to God, despite any threats from the devils that he worshiped. My favorite grapheme of this book was, of course, Jesus Christ because he was the one who saved Mr.Ramirez from satans and accepted him as one of his children. In addition, Jesus helped Mr.Ramirez'southward life to be more valuable and meaningful, by leading him out of the devil's cauldron. Afterward I read this book, I was able to thank Lord Jesus for his sincere dearest and the conservancy that he will offering anyone by Mr.Ramirez's realistic testimonies. Last but non to the lowest degree, I would dearest to recommend this book to Christians who are indevout because my personal faith aroused by this book, and I call up that every people who read this book will be filled with Holy Spirit. ...more
Powerful testimony

Opened my optics to things I didn't know but needed to. Satan is real. And he is powerful. He is deceiving many who accept a hole in their hearts which truly tin only exist filled by Jesus Christ who has the ultimate power! As the author states, the Bible affirms that people perish for lack of knowledge. Afterwards reading this book I am now able to more than powerfully intercede for people involved in Santeria and other occult worship.

Powerful testimony

Opened my eyes to things I didn't know but needed to. Satan is existent. And he is powerful. He is deceiving many who have a hole in their hearts which truly tin merely be filled by Jesus Christ who has the ultimate ability! As the author states, the Bible affirms that people perish for lack of knowledge. After reading this book I am now able to more powerfully intercede for people involved in Santeria and other occult worship.

Kavya Srinivasan
This book is an exceptional, real life spiritual journey of John Ramiez. I personally found it very crawly since it fabricated sense to me - I personally believe that there is darkness and lite in this world. There are people engaging in darkness with the devil instructing them to practice unspeakable violence and crimes to innocent people, animals and environment, and there are practiced people too, who want to be loving, kind and helpful always towards everyone and to everything around them. Even if they don This book is an infrequent, real life spiritual journey of John Ramiez. I personally establish it very crawly since information technology fabricated sense to me - I personally believe that there is darkness and calorie-free in this world. There are people engaging in darkness with the devil instructing them to do unspeakable violence and crimes to innocent people, animals and environment, and at that place are good people too, who desire to exist loving, kind and helpful always towards anybody and to everything around them. Even if they don't admit information technology, these good people are truly children of God too and God is watching over them always and blesses them.

I personally believe that acts of violence do not stalk just directly from the criminal's mind, merely is encouraged and inspired from a far more sinister source - the devil and his demons. While many of us don't requite much thought to it and but 'ignore' as an act of the mind's imagination or fantasy, the contrary of this is true. When things become wrong in our lives we always arraign God, we never blame the devil who acts subtly in our lives as well.

In this volume, John Ramiez does this excellent piece of work of exposing the devil and his schemes. The entire work is subtle and not like the manner it is shown now a days in horror films. Exist prepared to be surprised, since evil can simply walk into our lives if nosotros are non conscientious with what we say, recollect or human action. Doorways to darkness tin can be opened if nosotros get devil-may-care in how nosotros are in our everyday lives.

At that place are many reasons why a person can start to act in darkness - it could exist when things don't go the way we actually wanted information technology to happen, continuous failure in life, the awful behavior and judgement from society, pseudo religious people, religious institutions that don't function in the love of God, death of a loved i, abuse, ill health or whatsoever other hurting in life. Just nosotros always blame God and not the devil. Its always easy to arraign God, isn't it non?

With the devil, there is no mercy, honey or forgiveness. Its a never catastrophe road towards complete, pitch black darkness. There will be no glimmer of promise, no dearest, no looking forrad towards the futurity, considering there is never going to exist whatever future when nosotros cull darkness. This of grade, will not happen within a day, it will take some time, but it will somewhen happen if we are not careful in out spiritual lives.

We take so much hurting and programme our daily/months/years of our lives, simply why is spending just 15 mins of our everyday life in silent thanks and prayer to God so difficult? Its so like shooting fish in a barrel to postpone and be lazy, but that'south exactly what the dark side wants you lot to do - become spiritually lazy and go away from God. It is at this precise moment when the devil and his servants will human activity and set on yous - all spiritually. This is by no means a story or a tale or a fantasy story that I'm telling you lot. It is the truth. Whether or not ane chooses to believe is ane'southward own option.

In this book, John has described the night truths of life that he had suffered before becoming a friend and child of Lord Jesus. He had literally accepted the devil as his 'dad'. He had unfortunately turned towards the devil since he always wanted a begetter figure. His real dad, while he was alive, was always abusive towards him and his brothers and mom. They lived in dire poverty and his father used to e'er come home fully drunk and hit his mom in front of him and his brothers.
Living such a terrible life everyday made him to become in search of a dissimilar source of support, assistance - from the dark side. He was into darkness most of his life, until he realized that zippo - money, women, ability or devil can always fill the void pigsty of his centre except for God and God solitary.

John was finally able to brand the right choice and was freed from the clutch of darkness after a lot of trials, and has been living a fulfilled life with Lord Jesus ever since. His life is all the same not shine and ever happy, but at least he has at present the grace and presence of God always with him always to brand the right decision and face all difficulties in life without feeling lonely as he has accepted Lord Jesus equally his dad now.

...more than
a new perspective

I am a religious studies major and learned about Santeria in a class on infidel traditions. Academia makes it appear so harmless... I am astounded at the truth behind the religion. I thought the worship of diverse spirits was a psychological imagined authenticity, a man-constructed reality, but I allow myself to be open up and stand corrected. I have been an agnostic/backsliding (angry) Christian for a few years now, but reading this is waking me up to the realities of spiritual warf

a new perspective

I am a religious studies major and learned virtually Santeria in a class on pagan traditions. Academia makes information technology announced so harmless... I am astounded at the truth behind the religion. I idea the worship of diverse spirits was a psychological imagined authenticity, a homo-synthetic reality, but I allow myself to exist open and stand corrected. I have been an doubter/backsliding (aroused) Christian for a few years now, but reading this is waking me upward to the realities of spiritual warfare. To exist honest, information technology greatly disturbs me that this eternal hell of fire and brimstone exists, but if this is the reality, then I consider this worth apropos myself with. I nonetheless don't know how to praise or pray, my heart and mind are even so a bit bitter, my will is stubborn, but I think reading this brings me one step closer to a softened heart and mind. Thank you for your testimony.

...more than
***I listened to the audible version read by the author***

Wow. I knew from the description that this would be about spiritual warfare and one man's personal testimony. What I did non look was to exist bedevilled of my need to pray even more than for the protection of my family, friends, and customs. Ramirez'due south story of his life as a devil worshipper and his conversion and salvation through Jesus is zilch short of miraculous. Hearing his stories from his relationship with his personal demons and the

***I listened to the audible version read by the author***

Wow. I knew from the description that this would be near spiritual warfare and ane man's personal testimony. What I did not expect was to be bedevilled of my demand to pray even more for the protection of my family unit, friends, and community. Ramirez'south story of his life as a devil worshipper and his conversion and salvation through Jesus is nothing short of miraculous. Hearing his stories from his relationship with his personal demons and the power he received from them (including the power to take someone killed) is scary, considering information technology'southward existent and is happening today. Just hearing how Christians are protected from Satan and his workers was even more reassuring than the demonic ability was disturbing. Our God is in command, and this volume shows how God'due south ability and Jesus' grace always win. I could just mind to this in bits and pieces (usually a affiliate at a time) because of the existent-ness of his experiences, but I learned a lot, and this book will stick with me.

Jocelyn Loredo Torres
Heart Opener

Coming out of Roman Catholicism and condign a Christian about a year ago was the best decision I ever made. And I am thankful to see that it is truthful. This was a great read and I recommend to all of usa who were one time confused.

Excellent testimony

I couldn't put this book down! I am a Christian and accept seen God do incredible miracles including casting out demons in Jesus proper name. I was interested to read his testimony and glean whatsoever extra revelation on spiritual warfare. An astonishing testimony.

It was hard to put down!

What a great book and was well written. I'm SO HAPPY that JESUS called him!!!! I DON'T know HOW ppl can get employ to having them demons hanging around them day in and day out and talking to them similar buddy's!!!! I got into tarot cards for a while and then read on witch craft a chip and fifty-fifty tried a petty spell but I weren't SERIOUS about it and I Thought I KNEW EVERYTHING I needed to know virtually the bible and thought it was even ok to be a white witch!!!! And I BELIEVE in JE

It was difficult to put down!

What a slap-up book and was well written. I'm SO HAPPY that JESUS chosen him!!!! I DON'T know HOW ppl can get apply to having them demons hanging effectually them day in and twenty-four hours out and talking to them like buddy's!!!! I got into tarot cards for a while and so read on witch arts and crafts a fleck and fifty-fifty tried a footling spell but I weren't SERIOUS about it and I Thought I KNEW EVERYTHING I needed to know about the bible and thought information technology was fifty-fifty ok to be a white witch!!!! And I BELIEVE in JESUS, ALWAYS have and E'er WILL, but I was having a TERRIBLE time in my life and I didn't KNOW I was going thru ptsd at the time and was seeking the Incorrect kind of ATTENTION!!!! I expect back now and I had SO MANY WEIRD things happening to me like I saw this woman walking late at night while almost winter and it was FREEZING out simply she was in Black weird shorts that went to her knees and a black weird tank tiptop and blackness pilus,I could See that her confront was VERY WHITE and I DON'T know HOW I saw and knew this just her lips were VERY RED and she was walking like she was drunk , WELL my boyfriend and I got about 2 miles downward the route talking about how fucked upwards she looked and we parked the car and got out and use lit a cigarette and he lit a joint up, WELL NOT Fifty-fifty 3 or iv minutes went by and I saw HER walking or something towards the machine, I said get the FUCK in the car NOW cuz I KNEW she WASN'T Right, he was stunned and COULDN'T MOVE, but he did FINALLY get in the car and locked the door JUST equally she got her face up to the window and she LOOKED at United states MOSTLY ME and she was saying SOMETHING and she had BLACK EYES and our hair stood Upward on our necks and arm's, in that location was something NOT Correct with HER! It was VERY SCARY!!!! I can say now that it was SOMETHING coming for me cuz I was playing with those STUPID cards and other things, and so I stopped and I threw them abroad cuz u had bad luck with EVERY POSSIBLE thing in my lifE until I got rid of those things and stars PRAYING AGAIN !!! I DON'T FEAR Whatsoever EVIL At present and I NEVER play or practice anything except my kjv BIBLE and JESUS is the ONLY Way to go!!!!! I Only can't BELIEVE the STUFF that he went thru with that shit!! But the GOOD LORD SENT a Beautiful WOMAN to him to lead John to JESUS cuz John DIDN'T ALWAYS have a NASTY EVIL heart and his dearest for his daughter proved THAT! What Actually is SAD is that the mother of his child got the poor footling kid into it and now she's SUCKED ALL the mode IN and the female parent was VERY stupid for introducing her kid to that life manner! Just I'thou And then SO Then And then HAPPY that John made information technology out and is practicing something Mode Style Meliorate and so EVIL at present days!!!🙏😇 I just wonder if the evil EVER tries to get to him anymore and my other question is I THOUGHT that once you sell your soul that you lot could NOT gain it BACK BUT, I THINK if the PERSON Actually Actually WANTS to TRUST and Dearest the LORD AND is TRULY SORRY for doing the WORST thing that COULD be committed, that you Tin can become saved BECAUSE THRU JESUS ALL is POSSIBLE!!!! May GOD Go along HIM Condom and his Family unit,I PRAY that his daughter is out of it and if she ISN'T, I'll pray for her that she WILL meet that she's headed in the Wrong direction! GOD Anoint EVERYONE Cree

Mar 01, 2017 rated it information technology was ok
Way more wearisome than I thought it would be so far....peradventure the ending volition turn things around. Promise so.

Information technology was ok I guess.

Amanda Croley
Nov 02, 2014 rated information technology really liked it

This review can also be found at: http://thepaperbackaddict.blogspot.com/

I saw John Ramirez's testimony on Youtube a few times before I picked up his book. As someone who was raised in a Christian home, and had always known the love of Jesus Christ, I haven't seen or even heard of many of the things talked about in Out of the Devil's Cauldron. I was shocked by some of the things that were discussed, considering I had no idea that kind of thing really takes place. I have always grouped witches in westward

This review can also be found at: http://thepaperbackaddict.blogspot.com/

I saw John Ramirez'south testimony on Youtube a few times before I picked up his book. Equally someone who was raised in a Christian home, and had always known the honey of Jesus Christ, I haven't seen or even heard of many of the things talked almost in Out of the Devil's Cauldron. I was shocked by some of the things that were discussed, considering I had no idea that kind of affair actually takes place. I accept always grouped witches in with things like vampires, and werewolves, every bit a fantasy not reality. John Ramirez has an astonishing testimony nigh his life equally a servant of the Devil for 25 years, and how he eventually turned his life over to Christ. There was one contradicting fact in the book that fabricated me question the truthfulness of the book, but non plenty to stop reading.

Great testimony, great book!

Then filled with joy to come across the past of a little male child's life, though strangled with pain and disappointment, lies and fear, and filled with darkness of the occult, lies and fear again, finally came to an end when John plant the truth in Jesus!
It only shows that God is patient in ane'south foolish beliefs that blind them from His truth (I am one of them) and He will transport His own followers strategically to pray for the lost. John is proof of this. His testimony is literally

Great testimony, keen book!

So filled with joy to see the past of a little boy'due south life, though strangled with pain and disappointment, lies and fear, and filled with darkness of the occult, lies and fright again, finally came to an end when John plant the truth in Jesus!
It only shows that God is patient in one'southward foolish behavior that blind them from His truth (I am one of them) and He will ship His ain followers strategically to pray for the lost. John is proof of this. His testimony is literally from darkness into the Light.
I hope all who read this find themselves seeing for themselves the truth that no matter where their life is, as John says, there is One named Jesus who loves them greater than anybody else ever can. In that location's no ability greater than God's!

Only Amazing and Intriguing

Not only is the book well-written but it is interesting and Intriguing. It is extremely educational and insightful as John takes y'all through his story. Praise Jesus for this human being of God. God's proper noun is glorified through this testimony. By His wonderful grace and ability John was gear up free. It is a real life story that portrays and demonstrates God'due south unconditional love and mercy. May the Lord proceed to protect and use this wonderful and amazing human of God for His glory, a

Simply Astonishing and Intriguing

Not only is the book well-written merely information technology is interesting and Intriguing. It is extremely educational and insightful as John takes yous through his story. Praise Jesus for this homo of God. God's proper name is glorified through this testimony. By His wonderful grace and power John was set gratis. Information technology is a real life story that portrays and demonstrates God's unconditional love and mercy. May the Lord continue to protect and utilise this wonderful and amazing human being of God for His glory, amen.

...more than
Bridget Holbert

This is a eye opening volume! I didn't know virtually these types of religions ( satanic), and how they operated. This book gives a first paw account from the eyes of a man who lived and skillful satanic worship. The best centre opening business relationship is how he finally turned his life over to the Lord and the Lord transformed him into an astonishing Christian.
I also take been encouraged equally a Christian at how effective and how important to God our prayers are!
Definitely recommend to everyone!

Michael S.
I Couldn't Put This Book Down! (Kindle Edition)

Excellent autobiography. Very informative & highly enjoyable & never boring. Where'southward the movie? There has to exist a movie well-nigh this!

A must read for anyone interested in hope when you lot call up everything is hopeLESS. Ramirez takes united states of america through his turbulent life, through his childhood, his teens & finally into adulthood, ascension through the ranks in witchcraft to exist a feared, high ranking warlock
If John Ramirez can change his life from existence a hardcore Sat

I Couldn't Put This Volume Down! (Kindle Edition)

First-class autobiography. Very informative & highly enjoyable & never boring. Where's the movie? There has to exist a motion-picture show near this!

A must read for anyone interested in hope when you lot think everything is hopeLESS. Ramirez takes us through his turbulent life, through his childhood, his teens & finally into adulthood, rise through the ranks in witchcraft to be a feared, high ranking warlock
If John Ramirez tin can change his life from existence a hardcore Satanist to a homo of Yahweh, then there is hope for everyone 😉

Shuana Hackworth
Supernatural deliverance by God

This book was a powerful testimony of the Honey of God and his magnificent grace. The volume outline the life of John and his involvement with the occult. This book is powerful because you tin can feel his story. The fact that his father did not show him honey and credence was an open door to the demonic where he was seemly accepted and loved. This book is total of deliverance and the love of God.

Erin Bryant
Frightening & Fascinating

This volume gave me a glimpse of a world that I'd heard about, merely never taken seriously. I now meet how easy it to fall into evil religions.
Each page of this well written narrative admonishes us to stay alert and resist the predator looking to devour united states of america (1 Peter 58-ix), and to pray for more worker to harvest souls that need Christ Jesus (Matthew ix:38 & Luke 10:ii)

Frightening & Fascinating

This book gave me a glimpse of a world that I'd heard well-nigh, merely never taken seriously. I now come across how easy information technology to fall into evil religions.
Each page of this well written narrative admonishes us to stay warning and resist the predator looking to devour united states (ane Peter 58-9), and to pray for more worker to harvest souls that need Christ Jesus (Matthew 9:38 & Luke x:2)

Jack F. Caler
Evreryone should read it

I gave this review because this book is astonishing to read. It keeps you absorbed yous are not bored with it. And also it makes enlightened of how the enemy tries to deceive you lot in many ways. Very of import not to allow yourself to open sure evil doors because the enemy will use anything to full you so you tin can autumn and go to hell. His purpose is that bring you lot to hell with him!

Eric Meininger
Awesome book

I could non be more than impressed with how existent this business relationship appeared and how information technology constantly gripped me and reflected the truth of Jesus Christ. I get-go saw his testimony on YouTube, and found out he had written this volume. I couldn't put this book down and I recommend information technology to everyone regardless of where your religious affairs stand.

Crawly book

I could not be more impressed with how existent this account appeared and how it constantly gripped me and reflected the truth of Jesus Christ. I first saw his testimony on YouTube, and found out he had written this book. I couldn't put this book downwards and I recommend information technology to anybody regardless of where your religious affairs stand up.

Mala M.
January 10, 2016 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I thoroughly enjoyed this volume though it was very scary indeed. Strangely enough, there were times when I began to question some of the things in the book, not because they were incommunicable, but because I accept never experienced such things before. However, afterwards the read, I looked up and so much of what was mention and found corroborating evidence. I'm glad you lot were saved! Amen and Hallelujah! I thoroughly enjoyed this book though it was very scary indeed. Strangely enough, there were times when I began to question some of the things in the volume, non because they were incommunicable, but because I have never experienced such things earlier. However, after the read, I looked upward then much of what was mention and establish corroborating evidence. I'm glad you were saved! Amen and Hallelujah! ...more
Mar 12, 2016 rated it it was astonishing
I am glad that I was encouraged to read this. It amazes me how God constantly continues to testify us how merciful HE truly is. HE really does honey us and will deliver usa from Whatever sin as long equally yous accept and believe in HIS son Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for delivering John. Through your grace and mercy he was able to testify u.s. how much you really honey the states.
This was an awesome read!
Vincent Boateng
Insightful and interesting read!

Insightful and interesting read! It's a blessing to the Trunk of Christ and to all who need bear witness regarding the reality of the battle betwixt proficient and evil, light and darkness. Glory to God for His grace and mercy that saves even the chief of sinners!

Great Testimony Book

If you're looking for encouragement in your walk with God, to know how existent and powerful he really is, expect no further. John Ramirez makes it quite articulate that the power of God is far more than than the devil can ever muster, but with more than a hint of caution. This is an encouraging and enlightening book.

Frank Johnson
Splendid knowledge and insight into the operations of satan strategies against the Church of Jesus Christ. A must read for all agile believers and no and then active believers to apply practical cognition and subject area in defending the Church of Christ and taking an offensive position against all satanic operations confronting the individuals in the kingdom of God and The church as a whole.
This is the fascinating tale of John Ramirez who spent a good part of his life serving satan. At times information technology is almost unbelievable. The parts where he finally starts attention church and how he is delivered from all his demons are especially good.
Beulah F. McGraw
This volume will get yous thinking. Are you lot close enough to God to keep evil like this away? And, how do these people role like normal humans while being influenced or possessed. This volition scare a new christian and some who but claims to exist christian.
Aug 31, 2018 rated information technology it was amazing
A must read for anyone interested in understanding the reality of spiritual warfare. John Ramirez worked for Satan and provides a chilling glimpse of that world and its traps. Praise God he was rescued from that life and is now an evangelist for Christ.

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