Can a Baby Overdose on Parents Choice Gas Relief

Can Yous Overdose on Melatonin? How Much Should You Accept?

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Information technology is possible to overdose on melatonin? Can taking too much do harm?

Chances are if you're request this question — you've probably been experimenting with supplements to help you slumber.

Lots of people take melatonin to try and aid themselves fall asleep faster or overcome the symptoms of jet lag. If you've been counting sheep for hours, it may exist tempting to pop a few pills to catch some zzz'south. If it however doesn't work, y'all may start getting desperate and decide to take a couple more pills to knock yourself out.

Sound familiar? Yous may exist wondering if this could lead to any potentially dangerous consequences. Keep reading to become the essential info on melatonin safety, side effects, and dosage.

Melatonin Rubber

Nearly people experience perfectly safe taking an over-the-counter supplement similar this 1 for slumber. In fact, melatonin is one of the most pop sleep aids and is projected to generate 1.5 billion in acquirement worldwide by 2021. Aside from insomnia and jet lag, other uses include headaches, cancer, tinnitus, Alzheimer'southward, and protection from radiations.

Unlike most over-the-counter (OTC) products that come from plants, vitamins, and minerals, this one is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body and is linked to the circadian rhythm. Despite being considered a relatively safe supplement, OTC use has been banned for years in Nippon, Australia, the U.k., and parts of the European Wedlock. In these countries, the just way to take this hormone is as a prescription — simply, why?

Investigations into OTC products have discovered that melatonin supplements may contain doses that vary anywhere from -83% up to +478% of what is labeled on the canteen. Even more than alarming, some products also tested positive for serotonin, a neurotransmitter and controlled substance used to treat many neurological disorders.

Need assistance? Check out our guide on acme rated melatonin supplements hither.

A Woman who is Awake in Bed Thinks of Pill Bottle Illustration

Even though the synthetic alternative is somewhat similar to the one produced in the body, it doesn't come without its risks. College doses could lead to unwanted side furnishings, specially for those with allergies/sensitivities, people taking medications that have known drug interactions with this hormone, significant women, and those with prediabetes/diabetes.

And finally, to answer the burning question, tin you OD on melatonin, the respond appears to be no.

The LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of subjects) couldn't be established in animals and a dose of up to 800mg/kg wasn't found to exist lethal in humans.

To sum information technology up — melatonin is non known to be a potential cause of decease, merely you lot exercise need to exist enlightened of possible complications if you lot overdose.

Melatonin Pill Side Effects

Daytime Sleepiness

Drowsiness is undoubtedly amongst the most visible and mutual side effects when information technology comes to overdoing information technology with your supplementation. The thought is that if you accept this supplement at the wrong time of the day, you are likely to start feeling drowsy. This could also atomic number 82 to increased risks when you are operating sure heavy machinery or when you lot are driving, for case.

Illustration of Tired Zombie in the Market

Hormonal Changes

When you're taking a hormone – hormonal changes are bound to happen. Notwithstanding, this could exist far more serious than yous think. For example, meaning women are not brash to accept melatonin as not enough research has been done to know if it is safe during pregnancy.

It is also something that could potentially reduce libido in both sexes. Information technology is capable of interfering with the sperm count of men and the ovulation cycles of women. With this said, if you are trying to have a infant, you should probably talk to your doctor before taking this supplement.

Some research suggests that it could delay puberty and crusade other changes in children, so talk to your child's pediatrician if you have concerns near their sleep.


Some other widespread consequence of taking a little bit too much of this supplement is a severe headache in the morning. 1 the one paw, some research has plant that melatonin supplements may help to prevent headaches and migraines. However, continue in mind that this hormone is produced in your brain and every bit such, taking more than what'south needed could lead to chemical imbalances and quickly spiral into the very affair you're looking to prevent — headaches.


Dizziness could be another unpleasant side consequence from taking too much melatonin. It could also be triggered by an allergic reaction to the supplement. Either way, dizziness is something quite unpleasant and is capable of severely disrupting your functioning.

A woman leaning on a chair showing fatigue


If you have a higher dose than what's necessary, yous could experience delusions, paranoia, confusion, or hallucinations. Because this hormone is closely tied to other neurotransmitters that regulate mood and beliefs, higher doses could lead to chemical imbalances and these unpleasant symptoms.

Stomach Issues

This is undoubtedly i of the most mutual side effects of melatonin, regardless of whether you lot have information technology in a regular corporeality or y'all overdose it. You may hands experience stomach issues such as diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. These are quite unpleasant, and this is something that yous don't want to deal with.

Anxiety & Depression

Sad Woman Laying in Bed Illustration

Anxiety and depression are commonly associated with hormonal imbalances and could be induced by taking higher doses of this supplement. If you starting time experiencing any mental health changes after taking melatonin, speak to your physician immediately.

How Much Melatonin is Too Much?

How Much Should You lot Take?

The majority of studies have researched doses ranging from 0.3 mg to 10 mg equally the safest and most effective dose. Nonetheless, the platonic dose depends on historic period, weight, the problem y'all're trying to address, and whatsoever current medications that yous're taking. By and large speaking, the ideal dose is the lowest dose possible that provides the desired effects. Well-nigh experts recommended starting at the everyman dose and slowly increasing until you go the desired event.

If you lot're unsure which dose to start with, information technology'south best to talk to your doctor.

Different Bottles of Melatonin on the Shelf

10mg Dosage

This is the highest dose that is typically used for treating sleep-related conditions and hasn't been associated with toxicity. 10mg was the dose used in one written report to handle circadian rhythm disorders in people who are blind. The authors of the study ended that this high dose should always be supervised by a md.

20mg Dosage

This is a college amount of the hormone and should only be used for specific purposes under the supervision of a doctor. For example, some research has looked at the use of 20mg of melatonin combined with cancer treatments like radiations and chemotherapy. This dose should only be prescribed by and taken nether the supervision of a doctor.

30mg Dosage

The 30 mg melatonin dosage is substantial. Some studies take used doses of 20-40 mg to prevent and care for clot-forming cells (thrombocytopenia) associated with cancer chemotherapy.

100mg Dosage

This is a serious dosage, and it shouldn't exist used at all. With this in listen, it'south important to note that this would upshot in a lot of unwanted effects which could be potentially very harmful. Keep this in consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Lethal Dose of Melatonin?

Every unmarried medicine has its own LD 50. This is the lethal dose when 50% of the experimental subjects would die of exposure. Melatonin is known to be relatively safe and an LD50 couldn't be established. Fifty-fifty extremely high doses weren't lethal in animals.

How Long Does it Last?

The plasma half-life is quite brusque and ranges between 20 and 50 minutes. This means that approximately only half of the dose remains in your organization later on this amount of time. This means that while it may assistance you autumn asleep faster, it likely won't aid you to stay asleep or increase the quality of your sleep.

Why Do People Take Melatonin?

Melatonin is the hormone released past our brains in one case we fall comatose and it is actively used to handle a range of different conditions. Apart from the regular sleep-related ones, melatonin is also known for beingness particularly useful in various cancer treatments as an additional ingredient to use through chemotherapy, for instance.

Is Melatonin Addiction Forming?

Melatonin is not considered to be habit-forming or cause dependencies. Information technology is mostly rubber for short-term use. If you notice yourself using it every day for longer than 2 weeks, information technology'due south important to talk to your doctor almost your symptoms to rule out underlying conditions causing problems with your sleep.

Should Children Take It?

Melatonin has been studied for children with sure conditions, such equally autism. There are limited studies nigh its effectiveness and safety in other children. If you lot're considering using melatonin with your child, talk to their pediatrician commencement.

Pediatrician Checking Baby in Mother's Lap

What Should Yous Exercise if Consume Likewise Much?

If you're worried that you've taken too much, call your doctor or a poison control center. While melatonin is considered to be very safe and has a low toxicity profile, information technology could cause unpleasant side effects and be dangerous for people with sure atmospheric condition or taking certain medications.

What Happens If I Take Melatonin With Another Medication?

According to the Mayo Dispensary, taking melatonin should be safe for near people, though in some circumstances information technology tin interact with other medications such equally claret thinners, blood pressure medications, anticonvulsants, oral contraceptives and others. Notwithstanding, this doesn't mean the interaction volition be dangerous, in some cases it may but inhibit melatonin'southward ability to simulate drowsiness.

Before taking melatonin, be sure to hash out your current medications with your doctor to be sure it's the correct choice for you.

Our Final Thoughts

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is made in the body. It'south important for regulating many activities, including sleep. It has many benefits and a high safety profile with few side effects.

That being said, information technology is possible to take too much melatonin and experience unpleasant symptoms like headaches, drowsiness, an upset breadbasket, and others. The best way to avoid these is to start with the lowest possible dose and slowly increase until you lot see the desired result. As always, before taking whatever supplement, speak with your dr..

Sleep Advisor

Our team covers as many areas of expertise as nosotros do fourth dimension zones, just none of us started here as a and so-chosen proficient on sleep. What we practice share is a willingness to ask questions (lots of them), seek experts, and dig deep into conventional wisdom to meet if mayhap at that place might be a better path towards healthy living. Nosotros employ what we learn not only to our visitor civilization, but besides how we deliver data to our over 12.7M readers.

Sleep enquiry is changing all the time, and we are 100% defended to keeping up with breakthroughs and innovations. You lot alive better if yous sleep amend. Whatever has brought you here, we wish yous luck on your journey towards amend rest.

Katherine Hall

Katherine Hall

Sleep Psychologist

Katherine has over xiii years of clinical experience working in the public and private sector and is dedicated to improving sleep health.

Katherine has a post-graduate diploma in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and a bachelor's caste in psychology. She spends her workweek at Somnus Therapy with one goal in mind, to help people sleep better using natural and holistic approaches.


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